Thursday, September 3, 2009

Missing a perfect life

"What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals." - from Act II, scene 2, of Hamlet

I was reading on WWW about the aspects of human behaviour and their psychology towards life (behavorial economics) My office work sucks now a days so I utilise my time in reading and understanding the human mind in a better manner. The quote made me wonder and think more about what amazing acts our minds and bodies are capable of doing. We learn new languages as young children. We recognise so many faces with ease without getting confused. We can identify our friend's voice over telephone etc. Sometimes I feel I am one of those supercreations by God (I broaden my chest and giggle a bit). But I miss a perfect life. I dont know yet what is it?

What according to you is a perfect life? Is it a life free from hassles; controversies; guilt, full of hope; luxury; pleasures ? I think that the perfect way of living a life is by being rational. I mean, won't the life be perfect when your own reasoning abilities are perfect? Won't it improve your decision making and change your life for the better?

I look at my life and see a big distance from perfection. May be I am irrational. Rather predictably irrational; because I often repeat the same mistake again and again. Perhaps that is how the human nature is supposed to be. I dont know how do the economists, policy makers come up with their findings assuming that there is perfect reasoning for everything. As of now, we human beings seem to clear defy it.

This blog would seem to be incomplete and unclear as of now because I am still searching for my basic question, "What are the hidden forces that shape our decision making?"

Ever wondered Why do we often promise ourselves to diet, and our thought vanishes when we see a dessert plate passing by? Why we are happy to do things only when we are not paid to do them?

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