Thursday, September 3, 2009

Digging a hole

I recently came across one blog which commented on an article where 2 scientists in America have invented an aeroplane which would run on solar energy.. These scientists also claimed that this aeroplane would work in night as well.. I was amazed with the sense of humor, imagination and thought involved while this guy wrote this... His blog reads as follows :

Actually Government should use the geographical advantage of we being on the opposite side of USA.
We should dig a through hole from the center earth which will connect India and USA, so we can put wire through it.
So in India's day time sun light and solar energy can be given to USA and they can give us the same in their day time (
Isnt this amazing?)
Also we can fit an train through it so that we dont have to use planes for travelling. (

Similarly Finland and New Zealand can be connected using a vertical angular hole.
The best part is if we drop something from Finland it will automatically come down to New Zealand due to gravity, so lot of energy can be saved which we lose in transportation and travelling.
This saved energy can then be stored in everyday pencil cells and can be sold at Rs 14 each. This additional revenue can then be used to educate the people and the children of farmers so that they will have earning sons and they will not sucide.

I am wondering if you dig the hole right in the center of earth, what would happen to the people like engineers, excavators etc. who are actually involved in physical labour of digging it? Won't they fall out from earth to the space... hehehe..

Anyway, I would continue reading and enjoying such stuff... a good start to the day I must admit ;)

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